On being raised by a much older--yet still tireless--dad
Some protect habitats and cultural resources from smoke and flames
Warming temperatures and increased development are putting more Californians in contact with rattlesnakes. Scientists are working to keep both safe
Cancer centers and their patients face disruptions caused by hurricanes, wildfires and other extreme weather events.
The drive to be your best can be hard to muster right about now. Here are some ways to get your mojo back.
Light can transform a landscape, teach us more about the natural world, and connect us in ways that linger long after darkness falls.
The language you use could make a difference on the pain you feel.
Come spring, hundreds of castaways wash up on the beaches, blown by the wind.
Feeling blue even though everyone seems to be basking in perfect summer weather? There might be a good reason for that.
As scientists fill gaps in knowledge, do we lose our sense of wonder?
The moon influences all sorts of creatures from corals to eagle owls. Does the moon tug on human behaviour, too?
Winner of Terrain's 2020 Fiction Contest